scalp analysis with micro-camera
Apart from special problem cases, only 1 analysis is usually required
The scalp is examined at 50x and 200x magnification.
Around 20-25 photographs of the scalp clearly show
the reasons for the condition of your scalp and hair.
Evaluate your hair growth as you age.
Analysis with scalp camera detects;​
How well your hair follicles (roots) are nourished
Hair quantity in the growth phase
Thickness and quality of newly growing hair
Quantity of old redundant hair (space invaders)
Whether every follicle is hosting a hair
The consistency and quality of the scalp's sebum (oil)
Complimentary 15-minute consultation
1st analysis costs CHF 250.–
(includes check-up - conditions apply)
Analysis and consultation take approx. 60-80 minutes
Each analysis after that costs CHF 125.–
Analysis and consultation take approx. 30 minutes